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Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology
Weekly Forecast for Gemini

Weekly Forecast January for Gemini

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology
Weekly Forecast for Gemini 2020

Planetary position:- At the beginning of the month, Rahu is in the 1st house of Gemini, Mars is in the sixth house of Scorpio, Jupiter+ Ketu+ Saturn+ Mercury+Sun at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Venus at the eighth house of Cancer, and Moon at the ninth house of Aquarius.

1st to 7th January:- Blessings for the year 2020. There are chances of your success in political
matters. You will have the support of new friends. You will have a supporting nature at this time. You will receive inspiration and blessings from an elderly person from 2nd to 4th January and you will be able to achieve the most difficult things. You will be interested in religious and spiritual deeds. You will try to do many things for the people for whom you were worried. On 5th and 6th, you will receive the money that had been given to someone or stuck somewhere for a while. The ideas which had been pilinag up for some time will finally be converted into real tasks. You will carry out your duties and responsibilities towards the society with honesty and passion. There are possibilities for monetary loss on 7th. Hence be careful and alert.

8th to 15th January:- You will hear some unpleasant news regarding your relative or friend on 8th. You will also have an argument with someone for no reason. Your enemies and opponents will increase. On 9th and 10th, you will not get the expected rewards for the best efforts and hard work you had put. A well wisher will also be behind your success. You will also be successful in your investments. From 11th to 13th January, you will think broadly. However, you may receive mixed news. All doubts and insecurities will be removed. Your main target on 14th and 15th will be reward acquisition. You will pay attention to even the very small details about your business or job. The understanding between couples will be fabulous.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology
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16th to 23rd January:- You will have a fight with someone for no reason on 16th and 17th. There
will also be depressing situations in your family and house. Do not pay any heed to anyone's flattery
because there are full chances of you being harmed in some way. Do not get into any investmentss
for now because your planetary positions are not so favourable at the moment. On 18th and 19th, your success will gradually start. During this time, you will do tasks for which you will be rewarded in the future. You may have to take the opinion of some expert on legal matters. You will receive some good news on 20th and 21st, You may visit some religious place for mental peace. There will be a difficult situation in future, but you will face all the obstacles and challenges bravely and strongly.

24th to 31st January:- You will become a victim to some frauad or scam from 24h to 26th January. There are dangers of you losing important items like your mobile, keys etc. Be careful about your belongings; you may also have to deal with depressing situations. On 27th and 28th, political matters will be solved smoothly. You may be given an important post in your job. Do not trust anyone on the matters of money. There will be an increase in your work potential and capabilities from 29th to 31st January. You will think critically on the ways to increase your earnings. You will put in more efforts
and hard work in your job as compared to earlier.

Weekly Forecast February

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month, Rahu will be in the first house of Gemini, Mars
at the sixth house of Scorpio, Ketu+ Jupiter at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Sun+Saturn
at the eighth house of Cancer, Mercury+Venus at the ninth house of Aquarius and Moon at the eleventh house of Aries.

1st  to 7th February:- There will be good earnings on 1st and 2nd February. You will be interested in doing new tasks. You will do some new work as per planning. You will receive rewards for
this too. You will buy land, vehicle etc. Your financial conditions will be quite satisfactory. Between 3rd and 5th February, all your investments will be futile. Your money will get stuck or lost there.
There are chances of getting losses or problems in your lands, assets related matters. Keep your anger and emotions in control. You will receive some q news. There will be an increase in your work capabilities on 6th and 7th but for some reason your mood will not be ok. You will continue having good conversations with your family members. The relations between husbands and wives will be good. There is time for an increase in your earnings.

8th to 15th February:- 8th and 9th will be fruitful days. You will move forward after making a balance between your work and family. You will carry out your responsibilities towards the society nicely. During this time, you will also take a courageous decision. The conditions of your work will not be so easy. You will work very hard and put in a lot of efforts to expand your job on 10th and 11th February. You will also be successful in it. You will turn negative situations into positive ones through your diligence and hard work. Take decisions from your mind instead of your heart. You will have to handle a lot of problems and troubles from the evening of 11th till 13th February. Due to the movement of the Moon, you will hear some negative news from somewhere. Do not have contact with unknown people or strangers. On 14th and 15th, there will be an improvement in your  conditions. You will be interested in some religious activities. You will also read informational. literature.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd February: On 16th and 17th you will be busy in doing good deeds. Your self-confidence will be high. During this time, you will purchase some new item for your house. You will also plan for expanding your business. Your health will also improve on 18th and 19th. Availability of things will bring happiness in your life and help to make you feel secure. You will spend most of your time on entertainment and fun activities. There will be situations of changes and transfers during this time. The atmosphere at your work place will be against you from the evening of 20th till 22nd February. Some important and big deal will skip from you. From psychological point of view, you will be quite excited. You may begin new projects on 23rd You will lend a helping hand to people who are in desperate need.

24th to 29th February: Success will be yours in some competition or contest held on 24th and 25th. A meeting with some influential personality will open doors of destiny for you. In tasks involving teamwork and group activities, success will follow you wherever you go. On 26th and 27th you will be busy in worshipping Lord Shiva. You will be interested in your work and hobbies. You may go to a beautiful place with your family. You will not compromise with your principles and morals for anything. You will be at the peak of monetary benefits on 28th and 29th. You will make new friends. Obstacles and troubles will keep coming your way but you will deal with them intelligently.

Weekly Forecast March

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Rahu will be in the first house of Gemini, Mars+ Ketu+ Jupiter at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Saturn at the eighth house of Cancer, Sun+ Mercury
at the ninth house of Aquarius and Venus+ Moon at the eleventh house of Aries.

1st to 7th March:- There will be good earning from 1st to 3rd March. The situation ofyour work will gradually improve. However you will have to put in more efforts. There will be an imbalance between your family and work responsibilities. You can be criticized and your health will be poor too. On 4th and 5th you will receive some good news. There are also chances of your promotion. Your area of contacts will also develop. On 6th and 7th you will feel surrounded by your worries: nowever from financial and family point of view, this time  is quite good. You will receive money, but it will soon slip away too. Despite many efforts of your enemies and opponents, they will not be able to cause any harm to you.

8th to 15th March:- On 8th and 9th the tasks that you planned will be finished. You will see opportunities for earning the money that has been stuck for some time. During this time you will also
get monetary benefits along with all your desired tasks getting finished. Situation now formed will be better than ever before. You will also feel more active than usual. You will take your work more
seriously than before. On 10th and 11th, the money that you were just about to receive will get stuck somewhere. There are chances of your getting a bad name due to your romance. Your money can get stuck at your job. You may have to take a loan for purchasing new items. Your vehicle will give you a lot of troubles. You will be busy having fun, entertainment on 12th and 13th March. You will also
spend your time reading an adventurous or an informational book. You will hear some good news on 14th and 15th, Your seniors will be happy with your work. You will be busy in having fun.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd March:- On 16th and 17th, the misunderstandings and arguments between the couples
will be solved. Keep your secrets within you only. Your professional activities will be on higher side. You will concentrate on your targets. You will your goals with focus on full concentration. Some electronic gadget can get damaged. Do not trust strangers from 18h to 20th March. Some unfortunate event can occur which can disturb your mental peace. Your own loved ones can betray you. Moreover the beginning of new tasks will not be that easy. From 21st to 23rd March, the changing of planetary
positions will also change your situations quickly. On the suggestion of some elderly person in your house, you will arrange a puja in your house. You will be busy in some task related to your elder brother or sister. You will attend some functions like marriage, parties etc.

24th to 31st March:- You will be busy in events related to social or public welfare on 24th and 25th March. You will have the full support of your colleagues. Before you take part in some debate it is important that you solve the debate. From 26th March to 28th March you will be more stable and active in financial matters as compared to earlier. Taking strict, important decisions at work will help you to convert losses into profits. Your friends and well wishers will compliment you. On 29th and 30th March, you will suffer some losses after getting honey trapped by someone's sweet talks. There
will be an increase in your expenses, thus pay attention to your extravagance otherwise you may have to take a loan.

Weekly Forecast April

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Moon+Rahu will be at the first house of Gemini, Ketu at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Mars+Jupiter+Saturn at the eighth house of Capricorn, Mercury at the ninth house of Aquarius, Sun at the tenth house of Pisces and Venus at the twelfth house of Taurus.

1st to 7th April:- On 1st and 2nd you feel more energetic than usual. The positioning of Moon+ Rahu will cause you to feel sad but this combination will also bring money to you. The person whom you trust the most will be the one to betray you the most. Maintain a timetable for your daily activities. You will feel mental peace on 3rd and 4th. Troubles that have been worrying you for some time will vanish. Despite efforts by your enemies and opponents, they will not be successful. This time will be fruitful for you. You will receive both positive and negative results. On 5th and 6th, your financial status will be better than before. Feuds for asset or property division will be solved with the help of a third person. You will put your best efforts for the achievement of your targets. On 7th you may have to face a bad name, disrespect or criticism. You will also hear some unpleasant news from somewhere.

8th to 15th April- On 8th you will be interested much in spirituality. Because of weather changes, you will have to deal with the problems generated from seasonal diseases. Any decision taken emotionally will be a wrong decision. On 9th and 10th a special situation will be formed because of your child. You will become emotionally attached to someone and listen to their problems seriously. You will also be busy in your work related activities. On 11th and 12th you will solve some situation related to your relation. You will also be successful in your love life. Sometimes situations of misunderstandings will be formed in the family. You will work very diligently for acquiring success in your career. There will be improvement in your health on 13th and 14th, You will see many opportunities for earning money. You will perform every task with full passion and seriousness. Before signing any documents it will be better to get those documents checked by an expert. There
are chances of an unpleasant incident taking place on 15th. You may also have to face music from your boss and some official.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd April:- On 16th and 17th, your expenses will be higher than your earnings. There is movement in the eighth house of your zodiac because of which your loved ones may betray you. People will take wrongful advantage of your emotions. Keep your anger and tongue under control otherwise people will become your enemies for no reason. On 18th and 19th the opportunities for
earnings will increase. Be strict and serious towards office and job related matters. The happiness and understandings between the couples will increase. From 20th to 22nd, your name and reputation will increase in the field of politics. By meeting politicians and high officials, you will make things work in your favor. You will take interest in donations, fasting, astrology etc. You will courageously face the most difficult situations on 23rd. You will be busy in deep introspection.You will also meet one of your old friends.

24th to 30th April:- On 24th, you will be strong and stable on the financial stand. Some important work related to the buying and selling of land, property will be done. You may have to take a loan for getting things done from 25th to 27th, Be careful about your diet. Tensions may arise in your relationships because of a third person. You may get into an argument due to the words of a high official. Some religious work will happen at your house on 28th and 29th. Accept your success with
politeness. You may be honoured' by some social or religious organisation. The time on 30th will be partially fruitful. You will receive both positive and negative response that day.

Weekly Forecast May

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Rahu will at the first house of Gemini, Moon at the
second house of Cancer, Ketu at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Mars+ Jupiter+Saturn at the eighth
house of Capricorn, Sun+ Mercury at the eleventh house of Aries and Venus at the twelfth house of Taurus.

1st to 7th May:-The opportunities for earning money will Be there on 1st May. Feuds in family for asset or property division will be solved. Your time will be spent in doing yoga, exercises and other daily activities. Troubles that have been worrying you for a long time will be resolved. There are chances of receiving many job proposals on 2nd, The results of a competitive exam will be in your favour. Being completely focused on your target will only take you forward in life. There are chances of an argument or a fight on 4th or 5th. Money that was just about to reach you will get stuck somewhere. Your love life can give you a bad name reputation. On 6th and 7th, the essence of gentleness will reach your family life. There will be improvements in the relations between you and your partner. You will receive some important message.

8th to 15th May:- On 8th and 9th, your potentials and capabilities will be highlighted in front of everyone. People will be completely impressed by your skills. An important thing in your home may stop functioning, for repairing which you will have to work hard. The feuds going on between brothers will be solved with the help of a third party. On 10th and 11th, brothers, sisters and family members will pour emotions of love for each other. You will meet old acquaintances, new friends and loved ones, and happiness will enter your life. You will utilise your free time to improve yourself or in reading literature. You will also be active on social media. There are chances of monetary
losses from 12th to 14th, thus, take decisions intelligently. There can also be losses or fights in land-property related matters. Take care of your health. The situation in your family will be better on 15th.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  May:- There will be a decrease in the number of your enemies. Due to your good nature and kindness you will your enemies will be your friends. You will carry out your responsibilities towards the society brilliantly. From 17th to 19th May, all your political work
will be finished easily and smoothly. There will be an increase in your work potential and capabilities. Your boss and employees will be satisfied with your work. Money may be spent on some government matters. You will see various new possibilities in your work while meeting a distinguished person on 20th and 21st. You may receive a big deal or order at your job. There will be huge money. On 22nd and 23rd you will have to run around and work very hard to fulfill your
task. Despite the best efforts put by you will not give you the expected result, because of which you may be depressed or disappointed.

24th to 31st May:-On 24th there will be a change in the planetary positions. With your wisdom and patience you will be able to change every unpleasant thing into pleasant things. The entry of Moon into your zodiac will open doors of success for you. Your duties and work will increase a little. On 27th and 28th, all your plans and ideas will get stuck somewhere. However you will also be free from family tensions. From 29th to 31st May, brilliant plans for monetary profits will be implemented. At work, everyone will be pleased and satisfied by your work which shows possibilities for increment or promotion. You will also receive money that has been stuck somewhere.

Weekly Forecast June

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month, Mercury+ Rahu will be at the first house of Gemini,
Moon at the fourth house of Virgo, Ketu at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Jupiter+ Saturn at the
eighth house of Capricorn, Mars at the ninth house of Aquarius and Sun+ Venus at the twelfth house
of Taurus.

1st to 7th June:-On 1st and 2nd, you may have a discussion with a distinguished person. Keep your anger in control. Sign work contracts only after proper scrutiny. Situations can turn against you. Be careful from professional competitors. On 3rd and 4th, you will give importance to household and day-to-day activities. You will also buy some items related to your house decorations. Students will completely focus on their studies. Your legal matters will be sorted out. Any carelessness in your health can lead to fatal consequences. On 5th and 6th, you will receive the love and proximity of an experienced person. You will leave a deep impression in the minds of people by your politeness. You will be full of positive energy. You will work hard to stabilise your financial status. On 7th you will be busy with your family members. The relations between husbands and wives will be cordial.

8th to 15th June:- From 8th till 10" June, you will become a victim to some scam or fraud. You will bring changes in your daily activities. Your enemies and opponents will become a concern for you. Drive your vehicle carefully. Take financial investment related decisions after a lot of thinking. If possible, do not deal with these matters now. From 11th June your time will change. You will be
granted the honour of getting in touch with some famous person. You will be busy in some religious activities and you will feel good. You will also be successful in your love relationships. There are chances of gaining money on 13th, You will achieve success in a whichever work you start or do. The support from your friends can help you in the future. On 14th and 15th you will achieve your targets. Also you will receive lots of praises for your work. The situations in court cases will be in favour of you.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  June:- You will be welcomed with brilliant success in financial matters from 16th to 18th June. You will take strong and important decisions in your business whose effects and results will benefit you for a long time. You will receive money that had been lent some time ago or some stuck money. Talks of marriage for unmarried people will be going on. Your family will be your first priority. Think seriously on plans for the future. From 18th June to 20th June, time will not be favourable to you. You will be depressed. The work for which you were excited for a long will get stuck because of obstacles due to which you will become upset. Letter half on 21st and 22nd, will continuously give you success. On 23rd, the health of your parents will be down.

24th to 30th June:- On 24th and 25th June, you will receive both positive and negative results. Despite their numerous efforts, your enemies and opponents will not be able to cause any harm to you. You will be excited and energetic in the matters of personal relationships. You will achieve success in your projects on 26th and 27th,; moreover you will also receive bonus and get promotion in your job. You will take each minute detail related to your job seriously. You will receive its rewards in the form of monetary profits. The time from the evening of 27th till 29th is full of hardships and unfavourable, thus be careful and alert. You may be upset and depressed. Your loved ones will betray you. On 30th, students will focus on their studies. You may visit some religious peace.

Weekly Forecast July

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Sun+ Rahut+Mercury will be in the first house of Gemini, Moon at the fifth house of Libra, Jupiter+ Ketu at the seventh house of Sagittarius, Saturn at the eighth house of Capricorn, Mars at the tenth house of Pisces and Venus at the twelfth house of Taurus.

1st to 7th July:- On the first day, the Moon is in the first house, thus, there will be an important situation formed which will be related to your child. Because of Sun+ Rahu, your health will be poor. You will receive good news on 2nd and 3rd, Feuds related to property or will document will be solved with the help of a third party. You will pay attention to both your family and profession as well. You will meet an old relative of yours and you will remember the old days. There will be mutual understandings between husbands and wives on 4th and 5th July. Due to Jupiter+Moon+Ketu, you will gain money but it will not stay with you for long. Expenses will be ready before you get it. Love and marriage related matters will be discussed. On 6th and 7th you will have an argument with senior official or relative because of which your mood will be off. You will not compromise with your targets and thus will not involve yourself in social media, whatsapp, facebook etc. The time will run very fast.

8th to 15th July:- From 8th July to 10th July opportunities for Some good proposals may come to your family. Housewives may learn something new. Bring something new into your job, career,
hobbies etc. You will be involved in solving other's problems. You will understand the pain, sadness and troubles of others. On 11th and 12th, there will be an increase in your popularity and self-respect. You will openly showcase your potentials and capabilities to other people. Many problems related to land, property, vehicles etc will be solved. During this time, your contacts will expand. How much advantage you could gain from these contacts will be revealed in the future. You will be in a stable and strong front on the financial end. The troubles that were going on related to money will be over. You will get good opportunities for your job. The scopes for completion of tasks that have been left unattended for a while are going to be fulfilled.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  July:- You will be in trouble because of money iron 16th to 18th July. You may also get
stuck in legal matters. You may have to pay a fine for not following traffic rules. For people in partnerships, keep an eye on the activities of your partners. Be careful and alert before making a big investment. On 19th and 20th, you will receive some rewards tor the efforts you will put in. There is likely a chance for travelling. During this time, you will not get good support frown your family. You will have mental peace on 21st and 22nd, You will also receive new information, news and notices. You will spend your time reading an adventurous or informational book. On 23rd, your financial status and intuitions will be normal. You will get victory in competitions and contests.

24th to 31st July:- You will make contacts with new people. Those are in partnerships will earn benefits. The relations between husbands and wives will be cordial. Your enemies and opponents
will be active. On 25th and 26th, you will become a victim to some scam or fraud. Your loved ones will betray you. It is necessary to be careful in financial matters. You will meet an influential person on 27th or 28th July. You will be busy in welcoming guests in your house. You will receive good news on 29th and 30th, Feuds related to assets will be solved with the help of a third person.

Weekly Forecast August

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Venus+Rahu+Mercury are in the ascendant of Gemini, Sun is in the second house of Cancer, Ketu+Jupiter+Moon in the seventh house of Sagittarius, Saturn in the eighth house of Capricorn and Mars is in the tenth house of Pisces.

1st to 7th August:- Health will show improvement on 1st & 2nd Maximum time will be spent in fun and enjoyment. Students will work hard. Mutual relations between husband-wife will remain cordial. The time between 2nd August and 4th August is of disappointment and pain. You will face unforeseen hurdles thus it will affect work. Keep yourself away from romantic relationship, it may become the cause of shame and familial tension. Too much toil and running helter-skelter for work will be there. Also there are indications of monetary losses,hence be careful. Good news will come from government dept. on 5th & 6th. Talks of marriage will take place for the unmarried ones. You will give importance to financial matters and projects. Time is auspicious on 7th, Matters related to buying and selling of house will be according to your wish.

8th to 15th August:- 8th & 9th will be spent in the company of seers, you will keep busy in noble works. You will have high self confidence. You will be able to arrange for some sources of income. You may face some losses due to your bad company, though your social circle will remain and strong. On 10th & 11th all family and household members will work together, success opportunities will be strong. You will have to make some spiritual and astrological efforts too along with physical efforts to achieve success in business and profession. Yog and possibilities of financial losses are gaining strength between 12th & 14th August. You should be careful and alert in all situations. Carelessness and casual approach in business and profession will be fatal. Life will come back on track on 15th. You will be plagued by the desire to do something for society and country.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  August:- The revolution of Moon is in your own zodiac on 16th. There is Yog
of positive change. At this time you will become so busy that you will not be able to take out time even for yourself. Property related dispute will get resolved on 17th &,18th through someone's mediation. No appreciable monetary gains will be there, however you will be engulfed with a feeling of satisfaction. You will meet some old friend. You will get emotional remembering old memories. Financial condition and situations will be better. Your fate will gain strength through meeting with
any political leader or an officer. Your enemies and opponents will not be able to harm you despite repeated efforts. You may face losses on 21st & 22nd. Drive cautiously, financial crisis will continue on 23d. A religious program may be organised at home.

24th to 31st August:- You will welcome your guests on 24th. You will work according to your wish and interest. You shall be able to perform your duties appropriately. Do not criticise or demean anyone between 25th and 27th August. Work done through proper planning will take you far. Career and future related plans will take shape to some extent. You may get caught in court cases or government works on 28th & 29th. You will expand your contacts and relationships. You will get cooperation of people and family members. Some sad or unhappy news from somewhere will come on 30th & 31st. Be careful in financial matters. Your name may be pulled in some dispute.

Weekly Forecast September

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the beginning of month Rahu is in ascendant of Gemini, Venus is venturing into the second house of Cancer, Sun+ Mercury into the third house of Leo, Jupiter+Ketu into the seventh house of Sagittarius, Saturn into the eighth house of Capricorn, Moon into the ninth house of Aquarius while Mars is venturing into the eleventh house of Aries.

1st to 7th September:- You will remain busy in some religious program or work. You will associate with people of similar ideology. There will be excessive load of work. You will get full support of your spouse. You will care about your dear ones, spouse, family and friends. You will make efforts to improve your life status between 3rd and 5th September. You will flaunt a more principled and diverse perspective. Worries related to children's studies, career and marriage will plague you. Some solution to these worries will also come your way. On 6th and 7th some stuck and held up money will be received. You will take some important and tough decisions in business. Money will be spent on luxury and lavish lifestyle related works. You will be able to find the solution to some major problem with your wisdom.

8th to 15th September:- Some unpleasant news or sad message may be received between 8th and 10th September. Keep your eating habits and daily routine in an organised way or else your health may take a toll. You might pick up an argument with some senior officer at high position. You might get upset over some matter and spoil your mood. You will be empathetic and consider other's sorrow as your Own between 11th and 13th September. You will be strongly attracted towards love and romance. There may be purchase of some new item, electronic product etc. Achievements, aims and hopes which were a dream, will now be realized. Success will be yours in the government sector. You will get mixed results and rewards on 14th & 15th. You will have to put more efforts to prove yourself. You will get peace of mind.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  September: You will take even minor things in business and profession seriously on 16th & 17th. You will receive money from somewhere. You will Complete your tasks in a peaceful
way. You will give a final shape to the future projects seriously. Due to the financial conditions being
favorable for you, You will be full of enthusiasm. Some unpleasant news will be, received between evening of 17th September and 19th September. Enemies and opponents will be active and powerful. There is the fear of something dear to you, being lost or stolen. Moon is progressive into the fourth house, hence keep a check on your anger and speech. On 20th & 21th you will not be able to give time to your spouse and other family members, for which you will suffer from the feeling of guilt. You will make efforts to find new sources of income in your job. Relations between brothers will turn out cordial on 22nd & 23rd. You will carry out your responsibilities properly and in the best possible manner. Some good news from somewhere will also brighten your week.

24th to 30th September: On 24th and 25th, you will achieve everything that you have desired through your hard work and efforts. Due to the positioning of Jupiter+Moon, gentleness will enter your love relationships. The love and blessings of your elder will be the most precious treasure of yours during this time. From 26th to 28th, you may hear some unpleasant or unfortunate news from somewhere. During this time, you will mess the quality of your things by worrying about
their quantity. Some big order may slip from your hands or the deal may get cancelled too. On 29th and 30th there will be new contracts formed. You will devote your entire time to your family.

Weekly Forecast October

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position: At the start of the month Venus will be at the third house of Leo, Sun at the fourth house of Virgo, Mercury at the fifth house of Libra, Ketu at the sixth house of Scorpio,
Jupiter at the Seventh house of Sagittarius, Saturn at the eighth house of Capricorn, Moon at the
tenth house of Pisces, Mars at the eleventh house of Aries, and Rahu at the twelfth house of Taurus.

1st to 7th October:- On 1st and 2nd you will turn even the most difficult situations in your flavor. During this time, Moon is entering your zodiac's tenth house; thus, you will get good business orders.
You will search for new possibilities at your work. From 3rd to 5th you may purchase an item of your use at your house. By taking strict and important decisions, you will show your competitors what you are made of. Your enemies and opponents will not be able to cause any harm to you. On 6th and 7th October you will spend a lot of money. You will have to say goodbye to your stubbornness and violence. There will be doubts related to some matters in your mind, Your financial status will be a bit weak.

8th to 15th October:- You can get in trouble for trusting strangers on 8th. Someone may file a false report on you. You may have arguments with an official. On 9th and 10th, the movement of the Moon will open doors of success for you. Your financial status will stabilise which will cause you to accumulate both profits as well as excitement. You may get a big deal or order. On 11th and 12th, you will feel free from all your tensions. There will be pressure at your work but you will not take any stress. Striking a balance between your family and professional life will be challenging. On 13th and 14th, your financial status will stabilise. By using your intelligence you will earn lots of money. There are possibilities of you getting into a fight or an argument on 15th

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  October:- On 16th you will have an argument with someone for no reason. It is important for you to keep your anger and temper in control. You may also have an argument with an official or a distinguished person, hence be careful. On 17th and 18th October you will meet an old friend or relative. The tensions and pressure of your work will increase. You will feel as if someone is trying to disturb your happiness. On 19th and 20th you will make every work possible due to your courage and strong determination. There are chances of success in political matters. Your boss and your superiors will be happy with your work. You may think to bring something new into your job. There are chances of an unfortunate incident taking place on 23rd. Your loved ones may betray you. Your financial status will be weak.

24th to 31 st October:- You will work very hard at your job but your results will not be satisfactory. There will tensions for money and financial struggles. You will gain profit on your work on 26th and 27 October. In trying to expand your social contacts you may have to spend a bit. You will gain on matters related to land, property, assets etc. You will be very diligent in order to achieve your targets. There are chances of you receiving your stuck money back from 28th to 30th October but this money will not be with you for long. You will go on catching every opportunity from your financial point of view. People will be impressed by your intelligence. On 31st the time is favorable for you and you will take full advantage of the time. There will be favorable time to earn money.

Weekly Forecast November

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary Position:- At the start of the month Venus will be at the 4th house of Virgo, Sun+ Mercury
at the 5th house of Libra, Ketu at the 6th house of Scorpio, Jupiter at the 7th house of Sagittarius, Saturn at the 8th house of Capricorn, Mars at the 10th house of Pisces, Moon at the 11th house of Aries and Rahu at the 12th house of Taurus.

1st to 7th November:- There will be an excess of money on 1st. You will take some strong decisions at work, it will spread very fastly among your competitors and employees. You may take part in some religious or social event. Your mood will be upset because of some unpleasant news which you may have heard on 2nd and 3rd. If possible delay all your long tours for now, because these trips can be troublesome and painful for you. The depth of ideological stalemate will deepen between fathers and sons. From 4th to 6th November, you may visit some religious place for mental peace. There will be continuous interruptions in studies for students. On 7th your life will once again come back on the right track. You may be involved in buying an important item for your daily activities. Keep away yourself from suspicious people.

8th to 15th November:- You will be loved and blessed by the great people and your elders on 8th and 9th, The efforts that you had put in the earlier will now fetch you rewards. People will be impressed by your intelligence. Tasks related to marriage, etc will gain momentum. You may go for a long drive or dates. There will be good infiow of money on 10th and 11th, You will also pay attention on spirituality, social causes and kindness. Your financial conditions will be better than before. There are chances to lose Some valuable items on 12th and 13th, You may have to listen music from your boss and senior officials. Your attention will get distracted from your goals at work. But you will receive good news related to your job on 14th or 15th. You will take interest in reading an informational or adventurous book.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd  November:- You will receive good news from somewhere. The talks for marriage
will move further, for people eligible for marriage. Your activities will continue in many fields. You
will feel better than before. The understandings between husbands and wives will be good. You will
buy new items like vehicles, TV or electronic gadgets. The results of job related exams will be in your favor. From the evening of 19th to 21st, you will find yourself entangled in various different situations. There are also chances for some political problems to arise. Be transparent while dealing with your fund managing and various things. You will hear unpleasant news. You may turn new ideas into realities on 22nd and 23rd. You will be perturbed by the requests of an official. Program for long
journeys may be planned. Keep your anger and temper in check.

24th to 30th November:- On 24th & 26th there will be good inflow of money. During this time you will carry out your duties very nicely. You will also give time to your hobbies. However you will give maximum time to your family. You will be given love and blessings of the elders in your house. From the evening of 26th till 28th, criticising about others will land you in trouble. You should take family matters seriously. Be careful of food what you have in a wedding, events or party etc. You will have to face a lot of problems for trusting someone in the matters of money. You will be busy doing good deeds for others from the evening of 29th till 30th November. Praises and, compliments will surround you from all four corners. However do not become over confident.

Weekly Forecast December

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

Planetary position:- At the start of the month Venus will be at the fifth house of Libra, Ketu+Sun+ Mercury at the sixth house of Scorpio, Saturn + Jupiter at the eighth house of Capricorn, Mars at the tenth house of Pisces and Moon+ Rahu at the twelfth house of Tauırus.

1st to 7th December: The presence of Moon+ Rahu at the twelfth house indicates extravagance.
There are also chances of your bad reputation. There will be financial struggles on 1st. Your expenses will be higher than your earnings. On 2nd and 3rd, due to changes in the planetary positions, there will also be miraculous changes in your situations. It is a favorable time for doing meditation, writing, research etc. From 4th to 6th you will have to deal with both happiness and sadness, laughter and crying, pleasant and unpleasant things. You will receive mix news. You will solve family matters seriously. You will get relief from all the tensions you have been carrying for a while now. On 7th, you will receive the money that has been stuck somewhere and your financial conditions will be more stable and strong than ever before.

8th to 15th December: From financial point of view you will be strong and stable on 8th but you may hear some unpleasant or unfortunate news related to your relative. On 9th and 10th you will have heated argument with someone for no reason. You will do some mistake in your job whose consequences you will have to face in the future. On 11th and 12th, the behavior of your enemies and opponents will surprise you. You will fulfill your desire but your body will feel tired and lethargic. You will gain success in the matters related to job, finances, investments on 13th and 14th There will be some important changes in your daily activities and lifestyle. You will start feeling secured and tension free. You will receive reward for your efforts and hard work.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope - This Week Gemini Astrology

16th to 23rd December:- On 16th someone may file a false charge or report against you. It
will be cleared later but it will definitely be a cause of stress for some time. Do not be careless at
your job. On 17th and 18th you will have to face problems from every corner. Especially on the financial front and you may also have to struggle a lot. From 19th to 21st December, in order to expand your business you will have to travel a lot. With the help of your intelligency you will make the unfavourable conditions favourable for you. You self-confidence will be high. There will be an increase in your self-respect, popularity etc. On 22nd and 23rd, your employees and colleagues will be happy with your kindness and politeness. You will achieve success in competitions and interviews. You will also have an interest towards writing and meditation. Your
reputation will increase.

24th to 31st December:- From 24th to the, you will entirely focus on your job. Your aim will be to improve both production and quality. The results of the investments you do right now will be
beneficial in the future. The odds will favor you at your work. Your financial conditions will be better than before. From the evening of 26th till 28th, you may become a victim of some problems. The troubles of losing to your enemies can be seen clearly for now. If you are in a government job, then be careful. You may get trapped too. From 29th to 31st, you will be busy in making preparations to
welcome the New Year-2021. There are chances of gaining money, popularity etc. You will progress with the help of your friends.

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