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Gemini Annual Horoscope

Annual Forecast

The year 2020 will not be so great for Gemini in terms of achievements S. This year you will have to face challenges at every step. This year, the influence of Saturn's dhaiya will be prominent on your zodiac. Due to the dhaiya of the eighth house, there will be ups and downs in your health and you may also suffer from skin diseases. From the financial point of view too, I fail to see signs of any significant success this year. The influence of five planets is in the seventh house at the start of the year, which is showing presence of challenges and difficulties in family life at every step. Financial struggle and adjustments will continue this year. Money will not come easily to you, instead it will get stuck somewhere which will leave you no choice excep to wait patiently. The effect of Rahu in your zodiac is till 23rd September. Hence be wary of skin disease, stomach disease,heart disease, diabetes etc. Go for regular health check-ups. Be are ful what you eat, drink, practice abstinence, avoidance nd always heed to your doctor's advice. At the start of the year, Mars has entered into the sixse which is an enemy defeater but it is also indicating pain of victory over your enemies and situation of conspiracies. Your enemies will be active but will not be able to cause you any harm. You will defeat your enemies this year with your courage, wisdom and cleverness.

Saturn will occupy the eighth house of your zodiac from 24th January. Thus, you will have to work extra hard for the train of your work to come on the right track. The opportunities for the completion of the work which has been stuck and piling up for some time will be formed. The presence of five planets in the seventh house depicts a situation of benefit from your in-laws. There will also be ups and downs in the health of your life partner. You may sign some agreements to bring an element of newness in your work. However you will not get much profit from this. Till 31st March, Jupiter will have its eyes on your zodiac, thus students will receive favorable rewards. The results of job related tests, department tests, competitive tests will favor you. But it is very necessary for you to first put in your efforts.

The target for you in your work will only to earn. profits. In order to expand your business you may purchase new machines etc. but you should pay more attention on marketing this year. I
cannot foresee any great financial success but in terms of respect, popularity, fame and prestige, the graph will go upwards. People will respect your potentials and capabilities. Court cases and government related matters will go on for long. Misunderstanding between husbands and wives will be there from 30th March til 30th June. Students will also be not able to achieve expected results. There are chances of promotions after 30th June in your job or you may get posted to a desired place. From 11th May to 29th September, Saturn is on the move. Hence be careful from a stranger or unknown person. You can also become a victim of some scam or fraud. Keeping your boss and employees happy will also be a big challenge for you. It is very necessary for you to put more efforts in your job. Stay away from bad habits and bad influences. This year, you will have minor insecurity and tension for your family. You may have to take a big decision regarding your ward's studies, career, marriage etc. Keep special care of your child's habits and daily activities. The health of your parents or a disabled family member or an elder in the house can become worst from May to September. You can get into a feud with Someone over your parental property or inherited assets which will be later solved by the help of a third person. You will also spend on the maintenance of your assets. You are a member of the zodiac Gemini who are known to be perfect in business skills. These skills will be your weapons this year. Say no to eating oily food items, drive your vehicles safely. Stay away from drugs, gambling, etc.

Physical Health- This year you may suffer some health problems, due to the presence of Saturn on your zodiac. However, there are no possibilities of you acquiring any serious disease. But still do not be careless about your health. It is very necessary for you to be alert and careful. It is also important
for you to focus on things like what you are eating, yoga, exercises etc. Stay away from bad habits and bad company. Small problems like fever, physical tiredness and laziness will be formed this year. Due to the movement of your master planet and Saturn, seasonal diseases may get to you. There will be a decrease in your body's immunology. Chant "Mahamritanjay Mantra" and eat tulsi leaves for improvement in your health. Worshiping Lord Ganesha will also help with your poor health.

Trade, Business and Wealth:- This year is not very good from the point of view of work. There will be challenges at every step. You will have to put in a lot of efforts and hard work in order to prove yourself. There will be a reduction in your work potential and capabilities. The master planet of Gemini is Mercury and Mercury is known for being very efficient in work. You will take advantage of this efficiency this year. The ideas that you are having for expanding your business will get stretched. This year, your meeting with an important official or politician will open the doors of destiny for you. The support of a big person will also make things easy .for you. Sometimes, your ego will become an obstacle in your success because you Will not compromise with your morals or principles. Your boss and superior will be satisfied with your work and you may also get the duties of managing an important task. You will have to show kindness and a flexible mind at work. Keep your relations and behavior with your customers and parties gente. Pay attention on the quality and value of work that you do. This year from 11th May to 29th September, because of Saturn, your machines can stop functioning. This year, you obviously cannot increase your earnings but by reducing your spending, you can keep your finances in check.

Home, family and relatives: People belonging to Gemini are proficient in behavior. Through your gentle tone and kind perspective you can win anyone over. You will use this trick of yours in your family. There will be situations of tensions created but with time you will solve these misunderstandings. The effects you procrastinating at your work will reach your family as well. You
will be tensed about your child's career, marriage, concentration, placement etc. From 30th March, due to the presence of your master planet, you will achieve desired rewards by your concentration. Your child will obey you but from 30th March till June, the behavior and habits of your child will trouble you. The health of your elders will also trouble you. There can be clashes of thoughts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, father-son. However your family members will still support you in the weirdest situations. Coming to relatives, they will not look directly into your eyes. Your relations with your relatives will not be so great. You may receive the good news of a new member joining your family.

Education and career:- This year is not so great for students. Because of Jupiter, you will be successful in all your job related exams, official exams and competitive exams 30th March

onwards. After 30th March, your time will be favorable from concentration point of view. Your mind will wander. By getting addicted to dating, social media, whatsapp, facebook etc you will compromise with your concentration and career. Students interested in technology, law, engineering, mechanism, science etc. will receive good signs. You will have to try for private jobs, job placements. Take your work seriously and do not disobey your boss. Students who are interested in higher education abroad will face problems in getting their passport, visa and related documents made.

Romance and Friends: This year, dating can bring a bad name to you. It will directly affect your financial life, your family and your focus. Many situations of tensionS and attraction will be formed between lovers. Do not let your career get affected. Your social media, messenger chat or whatsapp can get caught. Your friends will be of no use to you. However you may raise a hand to help a friend. The statement of your friend in some court case will help you.

Vehicle, expenses and auspicious work: This year your vehicle will malfunction many a times. Thus keep your vehicle in good condition. Take it for routinely checkup. There is no scope for the purchase of a new vehicle this year. However the chances of expenses are high. Keep your useless and reckless expenses in check. Some unexpected situations will also arise where you will have to spend in areas you did not imagine. As for good deeds, you will do no good deed this year. Drive your vehicle carefully. Stay away from drugs while driving and follow all the traffic rules seriously.

Loss, loan and mishappenings: This year there are chances of some losses. Keep an eye on all the activities of your partner. Your financial information can get leaked. Be very alert in your job. You may have to take loans for your business. You may also have to take loans for your house, land, flat etc. which you will gradually pay off too. There is also a possibility of Something unfortunate happening to you, or maybe your friend or relative may become a victim of an unfortunate accident. Travels: There is no scope for any journey this year. Travels made for your work, job and business will not be that special.You may also have to suffer during these trips. Be careful of what you eat, drink etc.

Remedy: The ruler of your zodiac is Mercury. Worship Lord Ganesha. Do the reading of Ganpatya- athvarsheersh. Make offering of doob (grass) every day. Before leaving home for any important mission or work, do the chanting of the mantra Om Gan Ganpatye Namah'. Wear sanctified Onyx studded Budhyantra around the neck. Also place a Dhan Lakshmi bead in the locker or at the place of cash. Keep fast for 27 Wednesdays.

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